Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mud Pies and Olive Oil

Mud Pie # 15
8 1/2 x 11
Pastel on Canson Paper

Would you believe I used roasted garlic flavored olive oil and turpenoid in this painting. I blended with shapes cut out of foam core board . I removed the outer layer of paper on both sides as shown below. These make great blenders, especially on skies.

Section of Foam Core Board


  1. Very interesting! Sounds good enough to eat! I like the idea of the foamcore blenders, too.

  2. beautiful color! I will try the foam core blenders. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you both for comments. What's nice is that you determine the shapes.

  4. Sounds like you are having lots of fun experimenting. What a great project. I never thought to look in the pantry for painting supplies.
