Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Colorful Autumn at Heron Lake

"Heron Lake Autumn", 20 x 30, Pastel on Mi-Tientes Touch Board.

This is my first painting on the Mi-Tientes Touch Board.I'm very pleased to say that this paper has a pleasurable feel to it. It works with the pastels and it makes this artist feel gooood painting on it. This is a smoother lighter sanded paper then I'm use to. It's not as gritty as most. The pastels seem to glide on the surface with good adherence.

On another note,  I want to let you that as of this post, I will be part of the website "Before It's News" . Check it out.


  1. Thank you Jala. We had an amazing autumn here. Matter of fact it still looks and feels a le like autum here.

  2. I caught my breath when I saw this one. Excellent, Anita!

  3. Thank you Casey. Wow what a complement!
