"Morning Light Play III", 12 x 16, pastel on Canson paper.
So I was on vacation and took a break from art and when I got back I found it hard to get back into my studio. I fell into a funk with all kinds of negative thoughts and feelings about my art and myself. This went on for the better part of a week. I stayed away from the studio. I didn't want to go in there but at the beginning of this week I finally started a painting. It was like pulling teeth. I wanted to be back on vacation. Not in my studio. Then on the following day I was in the studio and took a break to meander around facebook, I came across something interesting on a colleague Penny Otwell's Facebook page. It was a recommendation to read Robert Genn's post from April 17th called "No Fish Today?" which I did. http://clicks.robertgenn.com/inspiration.php
I read it and without hesitation went back to work on the painting which I did not like yet but once again, I knew this was where I needed to be. I knew there would come a turning point and that all I have to do now is stay into action. I left the studio some 4 hours later feeling better about myself and the painting. That was two days ago. Yesterday I could not wait to get into the studio and after another three hours or so I finished the piece. I cleaned up and prepared the set up for my next painting which I started today, this time with a much better attitude.