Morning Walk
6 x 8 $100
Pastel on Velour Paper
I wish.
It was the rolled up carpet that did it, no it was my coming down with a nasty chest infection, no it was the trip to our daughter's in Southern California that did it.
It all started when I came down with whatever is going around in our part of the country. It starts with the raw nose, the itchy throat and then comes the cough and the mucous, the nasty mucus. O.k. so I'm sick like go to bed sick. Wish I owned a laptop so at least I could keep blogging thru this, but I don't,( this is where the lottery thought comes into the picture). So now I'm sick in bed but seem to be getting better. I have to get better soon so my husband and I can go to my daughter's and have a nice visit and celebrate our birthdays (one week apart, won't tell you how many years).
So it's time to go visit her in a few days when I'm in my studio painting and bend down to pick up something under my easel on the carpeted floor of my studio. I do that, I get up and notice my knee is cold. I look down to find a wet spot on the knee of my jeans. What the fudge is this I say to myself, I test it lick it...yup it's water but where the heck did this come from? I bend down on all fours now ( not easy to do at my age) but anyway I'm down there and sure enough the carpet is very damp. Horrors, oh horrors I've got a leak somewhere, but where, next thought it's the water heater in the closet/supply room adjoining the studio. I go into that room and sure enough, the carpet is damp. So I call Mark who does our house repairs( Mark fixes anything and everything, he's great). He come over, rolls up half the carpet and we put fans on it to start the drying process. We have the water heater replaced and he comes back to check it out. It's drying nicely but not yet completely dry , but now it's time to leave for our daughter's in the morning. That morning I take Sonny our black lab out to pee walking carefully through the studio with all the furniture and pastel roller carts moved so the carpet could be rolled up. Sonny does his thing, we come back through the studio and the back my flip flop slipper gets caught on the rolled up carpet. Down I go straight onto the cold cement floor.I'm stunned for a few seconds. Upon coming to my senses, I find all my moving parts still move, yeah that's a good beginning. I'm not too sore, just stunned but able to move around. We leave for our daughter's. In a couple of hours, the adrenalin wares off and I'm hurting, but I'm ok. So we continue on going south to L.A. where we have a great visit and a great time and we come home. I'm slowly getting my studio and my body back in shape. I'm still sore and coughing but glad to be home and back to blogging. By the way, we went to see the Renoir exhibition at the Los Angeles County Art Museum while we were there. It was wonderful!!! I'm back painting again and that's the best.