Friday, December 18, 2009

The First Mud Pie

Mud Pie #1
Pastel on velour
9 x 11

Here I was , my first attempt to creat something in which the priority was to have fun, no demands except to stay with the size and composition I set at my guidelines and also within my time limit of 30 -45 minutes, nothing more yet I found myself thinking in terms of creating a successful painting. I wanted to have fun but it was clear this wasn't happening. Soon I found myself wanting toget it over with so I could get on to the larger signature paintings I was working on, something that was a worth while endeaver. To only have fun, to let the child in me come out and nothing more.... what a concept. I can't just have fun, I had forgotten how , wow , but oh well. I finished the piece. I didn't want to go on with it. I reached a point where I was sort of content with what I did and one that met  the guidelines that I set for myself. That was that. Maybe next time I'll have fun, at least I made a start.
More to come..............
I would really love some comments about your experiences or what ever input you want to share with me.

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