Saturday, January 9, 2010

All is not Lost.Completion of a work in progress from Post of December 7, 2009

Photo of painting from earlier post.

Completed Painting
8 1/2 x 11 on Canson Paper
Untitled as yet, ( suggestions for a title would be welcomed).

 What started out on Canson 19 x 25 paper ended up as a small painting because the paper buckled when I applied an alcohol wash to the underpainting.. When I finished  I noticed that the bucked paper wasn't so noticeable in the area I cut it down to. and I was, therefore able to salvage it. I plan on using the scene to the right of the cut out as part of another painting. I will show you how that turns out in a future post.


  1. Great save, Anita! How 'bout "The Road Not Taken" as a title since the painting went down another path than originally intended! Just a thought. Don't you love it when you CAN save a part of a painting and have it work?

  2. Great metaphor Kathleen. Since I put many hours of painting into this work, I hated to destroy it. I was plesed with how it turned out. I created another version of the larger format without an underpainting. It is in progess now and I will put it in a future post.

  3. very nice!!...strong composition really draws you into the painting

  4. I really enjoy your work, Anita. This one is great. Nice save!!!!

  5. Thank you Dana and Jackie for your complements.
